©Divine Servant by Max Greiner
8700 Havens
Woodridge, IL 60517



Parish Council


Christian Service


Religious Formation

Parish Life






Contact Us


Religious Formation Registration Form

Father Bob Duda, Pastor




Look at what's happening at Christ the Servant!


Stations of the Cross

Friday Stations of the Cross 2025 schedule

March 28, 7 PM
April 4, 7 PM
April 11, NOON


Parish Council Seeking Nominees

The parish pastoral council is seeking 2 new members to serve for 3 years. The parish council meets the 4th Monday, at 7:00 pm every month except Dec.
More details can be found on page 3 of the bulletin.


Easter Hams for Downers Grove FISH

If you would like to donate a ham for a family in need, we will be collecting hams on Palm Sunday, April 13. Hams need to be dropped off between 8:00 am to 10:00 am in the front of Church. Accepting Canned or Packaged Hams
More details can be found on page 3 of the bulletin.


Spring Craft Show

Shop before and after weekend massses on March 29/30 in the Narthex.


Sunday Liturgy

Christ the Servant continues to post the Saturday mass by Fr. Bob on facebook and YouTube (@christtheservant) at about 4:30 pm on Saturday. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl4CVB_eUB4ts51DxKyoiag The plan is to continue providing a Mass each week as long as necessary. The Mass will be posted at 4:30 pm Saturday, and remain available during the rest of the week.


Radio Broadcast of Mass

Even with the precautions being taken at mass, you may still feel it best to participate by listening to mass while being in your car. When mass is going on, you can listen to the audio on 88.3 FM. We found that the reception is best on the northern end of the original parking lot. (That's the side of the building the transmitter is on.) A communion minister will come outside the entrance doors for radio listeners to come receive communion. You must still observe use of face masks and social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be available for your use as well.


Weekly Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:45pm

8:30, 10:00 am

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am

Communion Service: Friday at 8:30am

Holy Days:
Consult bulletin or call.

Saturday: 4:00 - 4:30pm. or by appointment

© 2025 Christ the Servant